Welcome to 2021

Like everyone, the committee are returning to a COVID-normal and we hope you are as keen as we are to enjoy live performance again. You may have noticed some updates on our Facebook page, and now we can confirm 2021 will be going ahead!

Although it may not seem like, or be exactly like other years, we believe giving our competitors stage time is what we are here for and dedicated to doing.  The committee have been working with local venues and have been able to secure some dates for some genres to run in a COVID safe manor. Obviously in this ever-changing environment, things can change but we look forward to bringing you as much as possible in our 2021, 95th Annual Eisteddfod. 

We are delighted to say that the response to our call for volunteers and committee members has resulted in four new members and a few volunteers. We recognise that volunteering for some is still a risk for them and call for anyone able to contact us. The competition requires additional volunteers every session to meet COVID requirements this year, and we will have to cancel days if we do not comply. Even donating your time for one session can make a huge difference. 

Thank you for your support and understanding throughout these challenging times and we look forward to seeing you at the Eisteddfod. 

2020 Competitions Cancelled

Bendigo Competitions Society, with much regret, advises that the 2020 competitions have been cancelled due to COVID19.

Much consideration has been given to holding an abbreviated Dance Competition but due to recent changes with COVID 19, the Committee believes it is in the best interests of our competitors, their families, our volunteers, and the broader community that this does not proceed.

The Committee wishes all of our music and dance competitors and the greater eisteddfod community good health through this current COVID journey.  We encourage you to keep working on and enjoying your passion for music and dance throughout this challenging time. 

We look forward to seeing you all together in 2021 for the exciting competition we plan! If anyone is interested in assisting our small committee in preparing for our 95th annual events in 2021 we would be so grateful to hear from you. 

Until then, stay safe and stay well!

Bendigo Competitions Society Inc.


Bendigo Competitions Society is postponing the Bendigo Competitions 2020 after consideration of the health advice re COVID-19.  The Committee thanks everyone for their understanding and patience as we as a community work through this difficult period. 

As you are aware this is a rapidly evolving situation.  We want to assure our competitors, families, teachers and volunteers that we will be working towards the event running later in 2020 and will be negotiating with venues and adjudicators towards this end.

This decision has not been made lightly and has been made to ensure that the health of all involved in this prestigious event is maintained.  Updates will be provided as they come to hand.

Fay Thomas
Bendigo Competitions Society Inc.