Music specific conditions

Bendigo Competitions Society Inc.

ABN 39 787 086 224

Download PDF Version of the Music Conditions here.


COPYRIGHT – In accordance with Federal statutes competitors must use the original materials or have permission from the relevant owners of copyright to make and use copies of copyright material at this Eisteddfod. Bendigo Competitions Society Inc. will not be liable for any infringements regarding copyright.

It Is understood that by entering Bendigo Competitions, you have read, understand and agree to abide by all rules and regulations which include any COVID-19 restrictions or other health requirements set in place either by the government or Bendigo Competitions Society.  Bendigo Competitions Society aims to hold a safe event, and your safety and that of our volunteers is paramount. Bendigo Competitions Society Committee is very excited to be able to hold this event and the Committee will work closely with teachers in ensuring that all children get the chance to perform.  The Committee is aware of how enforced isolation may have some effect on group numbers and presentations – teachers please contact the Co-ordinator of your discipline if this becomes a concern.

PLEASE DO NOT ATTEND OUR COMPETITION, EITHER AS A COMPETITOR OR AN AUDIENCE MEMBER IF YOU ARE UNWELL – THAT IS IF YOU HAVE A COLD OR FLU, OR VIRUS-LIKE SYMPTOMS or if you are awaiting results for a COVID test.  A lack of understanding will not be an acceptable reason for you to attend or to remain at the competition.  YOUR TOTAL CO-OPERATION IS REQUIRED TO ENSURE THIS EVENT CAN OCCUR AND RUN AS PLANNED.

Health regulations will be adhered to in accordance with government ruling at the time of the competition and any restrictions put in place by the Capital Theatre.


  • Ticket sales will primarily be on line via the Capital Theatre. People wishing to purchase tickets at the theatre would need to clarify when the ticket box will be open.     
  • Teachers will be issued with a pass which must be worn.  Teacher passes need to be requested prior to the commencement of the competition.  
  • Strictly no filming or photography permitted in the theatre whilst any performer is on the stage as this is a breach of child protection laws.  If a breach occurs, this will result in the competitor being disqualified and the competitor and those with him/her being removed from the facility.  


  • Adjudication/Prizes – All competitors will reassemble on stage to hear the adjudicators remarks and for the awarding of prizes.  Competitors will form a socially distanced semi-circle around the stage area.  Those awarded places will step forward.


Bendigo Competitions Society Inc reserves the right to make any changes to rules in alignment with current legislative requirements when and if required.  Notification of changes will be posted on the Society Facebook page where possible.

1.  RISK:

1.1       All competitors enter and perform at this competition at their own risk.

2.  ENTRY:

2.1       Music Competition is open to amateurs.

2.2       Competitors are not entitled to a refund in cases of non-appearance in any section.

2.3       Refund of entry money will not be granted following registration.

2.4       A condition of entry is that an administration fee is required per family – if multiple entries are entered on one entry each family is required to pay the administration fee.  The administration fee includes an emailed program to each competitor.  

2.5     Age of entry is the age of the competitor as at the 1st January of the year you are entering.  

2.6     If a late entry is requested and approved, there will be an additional cost of $25.00.

2.7     If a competitor plays two or more instruments, the competitor is allowed to enter more than once  in the same section performing with the different instruments – one solo per instrument. 


3.1.    The decision of the Adjudicator is final, and no discussion or correspondence can be entered into.

3.2       No person may communicate with the Adjudicator during the course of the competition.

4.  MUSIC:                                                                                                                                                   

4.1    UPLOADING INTO THE STARDOM SYSTEM OF MUSIC SCORES WILL BE AVAILABLE PRIOR TO THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE COMPETITION.   This will be confirmed on the Society’s Web Site and on the Society’s Face Book.  Competitors will be able to go into the Stardom System and upload their music.  Music is to be uploaded no later than two weeks prior to the commencement of the competition. 

4.1.1 Competitors SHOULD have a hard copy of music with them in the event that the uploading of music has not been successful. 

4.2     If uploading has not been requested for the discipline you have entered, you must provide music to the booking office (for the Adjudicator) well in advance of the commencement of the section/s. Early booking, with music photocopied for the adjudicator is essential when booking in.  

4.3     Original music should be used for the Accompanist. If this is impracticable photocopies may be used, providing the competitor can produce the original music to comply with copyright rules.

4.4     No competitor or teacher identification, or distinguishing marks are permitted on any hard copies. However, it would be helpful if each score was clearly marked – on the top right-hand corner – with the Section number and Competitor’s number (as per Official Program) prior to being provided to the booking office.

4.5     All bars must be clearly marked and numbered on music scores to be handed to the adjudicator – or when uploaded.

4.6     In compliance with copyright rules photocopies will not be returned to competitors.

4.7     The Society does not accept any responsibility for music books or scores, USBs, or other devices not collected backstage or from the office immediately after the section finishes.

4.8     For music sections that specify AMEB/ANZCA levels, competitors may only enter the level being studied in the current year. A useful reference is the “AMEB Schedule of Syllabuses”.


5.1     See Contemporary Vocal Rules re Audio Equipment and effects.  


6.1     Competitors are to limit their items to reasonable lengths and where stated adhere to time limits. REPEATS SHOULD BE AVOIDED within an item if necessary.

6.2     The timing of an event will begin with the commencement of the music and end with the conclusion of the music.  It is a condition of entries that time limits are adhered to.


7.1     Competitors may choose to enterolder age groups as well as their own age group except when a section stipulates the lower age group. (e.g. 13-17 years.)


8.1     Music stands will be available for all sections in all disciplines.


9.1      Competitors may be part of more than one duet or ensemble in a section.

9.2     The same duet or ensemble may only enter once in a particular section.


10.1      Competitors must provide a valid email address with their entry.

10.2      Communication with competitors regarding confirmation of entry, and approximate timetable of events will normally be done by email.


11.1      Any competitor incorrectly appearing in any section will be disqualified from the relevant section. This applies to solos, duets or ensembles.


12.1    A competitor who stops when performing an item will be allowed to restart the item at the end of the section for a critique only. However, if the restart is caused by a technical fault in equipment or the wrong music has been played, a restart for adjudication will be allowed providing the fault is quickly corrected.


13.1     No rehearsal is permitted on the stage during the Eisteddfod.


14.1   The Society reserves the right to cancel or combine any sections at its discretion.


15.1   If any competitor leaves the stage empty once a performance has commenced, the competitor will be adjudicated for a critique only.  


16.1    The use of these by any member of the audience is strictly prohibited in the theatre during the competition. Pagers and mobile phones must be turned off while in the theatre. Offenders may be removed from the theatre.


17.1   If the adjudicator awards an equal, and prize money is the prize or part of the prize, the prize money will be divided equally between place getters.

17.2 Championships – If less than 3 enter the section, or less than 3 appear, the prize money will be halved.  Sections with this rule application will be noted in the finalised printed program.   


18.1   The Society reserves the right to record, photograph, broadcast and/or telecast the whole or any part of the competition for the purpose of promotion. By submitting your entry, you have automatically granted permission for digital images or videos to be used for promotional purposes.


19.1    Any protests are to be made in writing within an hour of the completion of the section and to be accompanied by a deposit of $25.00. If the protest is upheld the deposit will be refunded.  If the protest is not upheld the deposit will be forfeited.  


20.1    The decision of the Society in all questions or disputes arising out of and not provided for by these conditions will be final. All entries are received subject to this proviso and shall not be subject to any appeal of law. 

21.   SAFETY

21.1    In the event of an emergency that requires an evacuation, patrons are required to follow the directions of authorised personnel.


22.1   Competitor passes will be provided to all competitors who wish to attend other sessions in their particular discipline. Competitor passes need to be displayed when entering the auditorium.